Sunday, December 4, 2005


have you ever just sat and wondered ... "why?"

lets assume for agruments sake the answer is 'YES!'

why do we exsist? lets look at it from a distance..

your born, you grow up, you got to school, you go to work, you get married, you have kids, you retire, you get old, and you die. BUT WHY?

you do realize your repeating the CIRCLE!

when you die, your offspring is destined to repeat the same process... but again, WHY?

well, this is where the answer becomes difficult, as many people throughout time have pondered this same prediciment. it's generally termed: "what is the meaning of life?"

and everyone at some point in their life with have to come to terms with this question, as it's un-avoidable.

The answer to the meaning of life is PURPOSE !

Here our the options:

a) you are purley what you see in the mirror everyday; FLESH. you exsist because of an 'extrodinary accident' that occured in the universe one day. you'll repeat the CIRCLE then cease to exsist.

b) you were divinely created by a creator who loves you, dispite your sinful nature. you exsist because you do have a PURPOSE, which you will never fully understand. your life is just one phase of an etneral journey which is your infinate exsistence.

why I choose B:

without PURPOSE, what's the point of living? why exsist? is repeating the CIRCLE what drives your exsistence?

just like everyone else, i've experienced times of great sorrow and pain, but those times have allowed me to cherish and appreciate the times of joy and happiness. LIFE is the ultimate experience, where your journey begins!


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