Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ode to passion

look in the mirror

do I see what HE sees?
do I REALLY see what HE sees in ME?

how could I ever truly understand?
He says His love, His love is everything

He says to lose myself, to forget, to die
He says my life is His, I belong to Him

STOP doubting, STOP holdingback, STOP!!

I'm right here, WILL YOU FOLLOW ME?

will you LISTEN? LISTEN to my voice.

LOVE as I loved, LIVE as I lived, DIE as I died.

Monday, June 26, 2006

moments of sanity

in the mist of confusion
in the deeps of frustration
in the outbursts of emotion

times of insanity
times of clarity
times of reasoning

some will admit to being imperfect
some will admit to being sinners
some will strive for improvement

others are prideful
others are selfish
others are unaware

we walk in delusion
we blame others
we hold it all in

He calls us to LOVE
He calls us to FORGIVE
He calls us to FOLLOW

The Lord He is, The Lord He was, The Lord He'll always be
He gives us what we don't deserve, He offers LIFE

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

and yet unknown

The weather of summer seems ever-changing
Some things need re-arranging

Some things will never change
While others float away

Away they go
But never forgotten

Will it always be that way?
I guess, I just can’t say.

Monday, June 19, 2006

speaking without a voice

When you know that God has given you a gift, you cherish it as a blessing. You use it as He wills, and follow His calling.

When you finally stop fighting for control, let go, and follow.. He allows you to be used for His pleasure, and it will blow your mind. It is not you doing these great works, but that you are the vessel He is using. You must remember to whom you belong. You are His, everything you have and everything you are.

Many calls to ministry involve your voice. God uses you to speak His truth. God allows you to say the right words at the right time.

James 1:19 (NIV)
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak

But what happens if you lose your voice?

God often uses adversity to draw us closer to Him. If we cant speak, we're forced to LISTEN. In our haste to speak, we sometimes fail to truly listen.

As James points out, unless we learn to listen.. we'll be unable to speak truth.

Your voice is so easy to take for granted. You open your mouth and words come out. Try going a day without out speaking a single word, and learn what it means to LISTEN.