Tuesday, October 9, 2007

hopes, prayers, and reflections

marrying a woman of God; a co-laborer, companion, and compliment
a woman who'd allow me to serve, love, cherish, nourish, and lead her
who loves God with every fiber of her being, and loves people.
she sees children as a blessing, and desires to love and disciple them.
who mentors other women.
whose heart breaks for widows and orphans.
who's always ready to cloth the naked and feed the hungry.
who desires a husband to provide and sacrifice for her and her family.
whose home is open to those in need.
who desires to live a daily adventure in desperate dependence on our God and King.

being a Man of God; a husband, father, and pastor

being an example for others to follow. that my life would be a testament to His mercy, grace, and love.

having as many children as God would provide. cultivating and discipling them into men and women of God.

planting (or replanting) and pastoring a church in southern california
serving, loving, teaching, leading, and discipling a body

stewarding all the resources He's provided me to His glory and renown.

being dust and watching Him work mightily through, and despite me.

living a life worth living. not just existing but thriving. with a purpose, on purpose.

keeping fixed and focused on the Blesser over the blessing
putting flesh to Christ's love
running with perseverance the race marked out for me


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