the GOLDEN ticket
Most people probably think of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory when they hear 'the Goldent ticket,' but did you realize such an object TRULY exsists?
You probably know it by its other description, 'a college diploma,' and its carat rating is based on which institution you PURCHASED it from.
Think about it, the truly successfully are not the ones who played by the rules, they make thier own and set the bar for others. Is it not the irony of all ironies that Bill Gates, the RICHEST man alive, who he himself is a college dropout (, only hires college graduates?
This fact alone says volumes. People who attend prestigious colleges costing $40,000 a year, that graduate, then go on to work for major coporations are the lemmings of our society. If you asked any one of them 20 years later, if the lived a satisfying exsistence they'd say, NO! They aren't the Geniuses, the Artists, the Heros, or the Remembered. They are the ones whose lives are wasted on meaningless pursuits of 'self-motivation,' 'political-correctness,' and 'company-loyalty.' They become so brain-washed they cease to think on their own accord, and spread ignorance like wildfire.
Do you realize the US wouldn't exsist if it weren't for the 'RUGGED-INDIVIDUALISTS?'
Think about it for a minute, they told the most powerfull empire of that time to essentially 'SHOVE-IT,' because they were going to do as they pleased. But they weren't a bunch of anarchists, just the opposite. They had such firm faith in their beliefs they were willing to risk everything (their lives) to achieve them. A society where ANYONE has the opportunity to succed.
These same parallels can be made for the homeless or those living in poverty. 99% of all homeless people are homeless BY CHOICE (due to BAD choices they made), not by circumstance. They choose to be lazy, not work hard, and not care about hygien. They choose to do drugs, drink alcohol, and not let anyone help. They are liars, cheats, and theives. They have no character or moral fiber. The only ones they have to blame are themselves.
Do you know of anyone who trully needed HELP in this country, who didn't get it? I can't think of ONE! You reap what you sow..
Those of us who value what we have and value our blessings, ensure we help the helpless, and care for those truely in need.
Just because it's easy, doesn't make it right! Just because it's right, doesn't make it easy!
Your unique, your gifted - don't be a lemming!