Monday, May 8, 2006

His will?

So how do we know it's His will and not our own?
Where is the line between being led by the spirit and justifying outlandish behavior?
Are we making excuses for why we disobey His calling?

There is a healthy way to be lead by the spirit, and still qualify it in the truth (the word of God)

First we must study and know the truth (the word of God - the Bible)
Second we must listen to the holy spirit who dwells within us
Third we must pray for wisdom and guidance
Fourth we must seek wise counsel
Fifth seek confirmation through circumstance

If we study the word of God, the truth will be ingrained in our beings. When we accepted Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit was given to us to dwell within us, to guide us. We are called to pray without ceasing, to commune with God. We are to seek wise counsel, people we trust, wise persons whom God has placed in our lives. Are the events that take place in our lives, just coincidence, or is it God at work.

We must utilize the tools He's provided us, and lean on Him. The closer we grow in our relationship to Him, the process becomes second nature.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free
John 8:32 (NIV)


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